Plan Change Number One - Pūtauaki Industrial Zone

Kawerau District Council rezoned an area of approximately 171 hectares of land located to the north east of the township of Kawerau. Change Number One was made operative 8 April 2017. The purpose of the Plan Change was twofold; firstly to provide additional industrial land to address a shortage of industrial land supply in the Kawerau area, and secondly it was a statutory requirement as a consequence of a recent boundary alteration between Kawerau District Council and Whakatāne District Council.

Plan Change Number One to the Operative Kawerau District Plan was publicly notified on 9 May 2012. Decisions on submissions have been publically notified and can be viewed by clicking on the documentation below. Appeals to the Environment Court closed on 18 January 2013.

To view the Plan Change documentation and structure plan and associated reports click on the appropriate document below.