Representation Review 2024- Frequently asked questions  


What is the process of the Representation Review? 

For the past year we have been talking to our community about the electoral process, with elected members voting to:   

(1) retain the First Past the Post (FPP) voting system   

(2) introduce Māori ward(s)  

As Council voted to introduce Māori ward(s) in November 2023, in addition to general ward(s), we now need to consider how we best represent community voices at the council table with Māori ward(s) included. 

(3) The representation review is the third and final step of the process required before the 2025 elections.  

Do we have to make changes?  

The introduction of Māori ward(s) means we will have changes to the current representation.   

Following initial feedback, Council will propose how elected members will represent the district. You will have several opportunities to have your say through this process.   

What decisions have been made? 

Our Council has already made two related decisions which are not part of this engagement process: 
•    The First Past the Post (FPP) electoral system is being retained for the 2025 elections. 
•    Māori ward councillors will be established for at least the 2025 and 2028 elections. 

Where can I give my feedback for this round of early engagement? 

Online survey via the Council website or  

Hard copy surveys can be handed into the isite, library or Council offices 


The first round of engagement for early feedback closes on April 5, 2024.  

Will it be cheaper if we have less councillors? 

No, the pool of remuneration (cost) stays the same regardless of the number of councillors. The Remuneration Authority sets this budget for the district.  

Do we need to change the way our councillors are elected? 

Yes. The introduction of Māori ward(s) - means the district will have:  

  • General ward(s) seats elected by people on the general electoral roll 

  • Māori ward(s) seats elected by people on the Māori electoral roll  

  • There is also the option of having some councillors elected by everyone (‘at-large’) 

What do you mean by having a combination of Māori ward(s), general ward(s) and ‘at large’ 

With the status quo of one mayor and eight councillors this could look like three Māori ward, three general ward and two ‘at large’ councillors (as an example, however other numbers could be considered). 

In a ‘combination’ model for Māori, general and ‘at large’ (district wide) wards who can you vote for?

What is a community board? 

Community boards typically represent a smaller geographic area or ‘community of interest’ within their council/kaunihera, to ensure smaller communities’ voices aren’t lost in the big picture conversations | kōrero. 

There are now around 110 community boards in Aotearoa, ranging in size from those representing only a few hundred residents to more than 60,000 residents.   

Most members are elected during local body elections although council | kaunihera members can also be appointed to a community board. Note: this would entail an extra cost as currently Kawerau district does not have any community boards.  

Who can I vote for? 

• A person on the Māori electoral roll will be able to vote for: 

 o the mayor 

 o members representing a Māori ward(s)  

o any members standing “at large” (if applicable)  

o community board members (not currently applicable to Kawerau)  

• A person on the general electoral roll may vote for:  

o the mayor  

o members representing a general ward(s)  

o any members standing “at large” (if applicable)  

o community board members (not currently applicable to Kawerau) 

Can things stay the same? 

No, with the introduction of Māori ward(s) - Kawerau will have seats at the council table representing general and Māori ward(s).  

How many people in Kawerau are in the Māori roll versus’ the general roll? 

The Māori Electoral Population is currently 3,430 people or 43.86% of the total electoral population in the district. The General Electoral Population is currently 4,390 people or 56.14% of the total electoral population in the district. 

These statistics are used to determine the number of councillors representing Māori and general wards. For example, if we have a total of seven councillors, three will represent the Māori ward(s), and four will represent the general ward(s). 

What is a ward?  

Generally wards are geographic areas (i.e., coastal ward in Ōpōtiki) that represent a specific area of interest (in this case it is a rural area of people who are living by coast). In an urban area, such as large cities, it could be a suburb etc within a city. 
Given Kawerau is small geographically, the community has not seen the need for wards on a geographic basis. 
However, now that there is Māori  representation… the district will have General Wards and Māori wards. 

What is Māori ward(s)?  

A Māori ward is one way for Māori electoral roll voters, which are a defined community of interest, to be effectively represented under legislation. Instead of grouping electors by geographic location like other wards, all electors (voters) who are on the Māori electoral roll would vote in the Māori ward(s).  

Who can stand for election in a Māori ward? 

Anyone can stand for election in a Māori ward, but they cannot stand for both a general and a Māori ward at the same time. Candidates in Māori ward(s) do not have to be of Māori descent, but they need to be nominated by two people on the Māori electoral roll in the area they are standing. 

Who can stand for election in a general ward?  

Anyone can stand for election in a general ward, but they cannot stand for both a general and Māori ward at the same time. The person needs to be nominated by two people on the general electoral roll in the area they are standing. 

What is an ‘at large’ councillor?  

These councillors are elected by all voters within the district – in the same way that everyone can vote for the mayor. In Kawerau, we previously elected all our councillors ‘at large,’ but the introduction of Māori ward(s) means we will now have both Māori and general wards.  

It is possible to have a system that comprises a mixture of Māori and General ward councillors and ‘at large’ councillors. For instance, our mayor is already elected ‘at large’ by everyone, and these other ‘at large’ seats would also be elected by everyone on the electoral roll.  

Representation Review – Key Dates  

Preliminary consultation7 March – 5 April 2024
Council meeting to adopt initial proposal26 June 2024   
Submission period on initial proposal     1 July – 5 August 2024  
Hearing/s for submitters to talk to Council28 August 2024
Deliberations on submissions and Council resolution for final proposal25 September 2024
Appeal/objection period30 September – 4 November 2024  
LGC determination (if required)  by 10 April 2025