Trees for Babies

This is located in the Monika Lanham Reserve, behind Life Konnect, formerly the Kawerau Intermediate School. There is an entrance to the Reserve just up River Road from Life Konnect. Each year families with a new baby are welcome to register their baby’s name with the Council. Around Arbor Day there is a ceremony and registered families are given a tree to plant in Monika Lanham Reserve to celebrate their new arrival. This is available for grandparents as well as parents.

Every new Kawerau baby born in the last year can now have a native tree planted in Monika Lanham Reserve, as part of Kawerau District Council’s “Trees for Babies” project. If you have had a baby, or grandchild, recently, you are welcome to register their name with the Kawerau District Council. A native tree will be ordered for you to plant on the day.

Trees for Babies" planting will be held on Saturday 19 September 2020 commencing at 10.00am.

Every new Kawerau baby can have a native tree planted in Monika Lanham Reserve, as part of Kawerau District Council's "Trees for Babies" project.
If you have had a baby recently, you are welcome to register his/her name with the Kawerau District Council. Registration forms are available at the Council Office. A native tree will be ordered  for you to plant on the day.


Assemble at the planting site no later than 10.00am so we are all together for the official welcome, blessing and group photo. Bring along your friends and family and make this a special day. Please bring a spade, your gumboots and a smile.

Register by completing the
The following link opens in a new window.
Trees for Babies flyer - (PDF, 607KB) and emailing a scanned copy to

By delivering to the KDC Office during business hours,

or posting to:

Kawerau District Council
Ranfurly Court
Private Bag 1004
Kawerau 3169