Photos of PGF Announcement

A breakfast function at Kawerau's Firmin Lodge was held on Friday, May 17 to announce $2.2 million of Provincial Growth Funding for the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Kawerau Mayor Malcolm Campbell thanked the ministers for their ongoing support of the region. 

The two Kawerau-based programmes being funded are the Kawerau Pathway to Work Programme that is being delivered by Industrial Symbiosis Kawerau (ISK) and the Driver Operator Training Centre that will be delivered by Toi-EDA. 


  Minister Shane Jones with Mayor Malcolm Campbell at the PGF announcement      Kawerau Mayor Malcolm Campbell welcomes everyone at the funding announcement and outlines the importance of meaningful programmes for rangatahi.     Minister for Employment Willie Jackson with Kawerau Mayor Malcolm Campbell and Councillor Chris Marjoribanks, who is also Tuwharetoa Ki Kawerau Health, Education and Social Services Chief Exeutive.Minister Willie Jackson at Kawerau's Firmin Lodge during the provincial growth funding announcement. 

Mayor Campbell, Youth Councillor Majean Rogers, MP Kiritapu Allan, Tuia Delegate Iraia Nuku, Minister Shane Jones and Kawerau Pathways to Work Co-ordinator Faylene Tunui (also Deputy Mayor).

Kawerau Mayor Malcolm Campbell and members of the logistics team and Toi-EDA show Minister for Employment Willie Jackson the Driver Operator Training Centre.


First posted: 

Wednesday, 22 May 2019 - 2:18pm