Kawerau District Library Summer Holiday Reading Programme Celebration today

Kawerau Summer Holiday Reading Programme Celebration Today

Calling all kings, princesses, elves, knights to the Kawerau District Library Scavenger Hunt.

Today rangatahi and families are invited to celebrate the final day of the Kawerau District Library Summer Holiday Reading programme.

The summer holiday reading programme encourages rangatahi to read books of their choice and take part in activities run as part of the Kawerau District Library holiday programme.

A scavenger hunt will take place in the Kawerau Town Square from 10.30am to 12 noon today.

There are 145 rangatahi enrolled in the summer reading progamme, but today's event is open to everyone.

It is free to take part, and there’s plenty of prizes including for the best dressed and most creative outfit.

If you wish to take part, get dressed up if you can and head to the Town Square – and have some fun with the Kawerau District Library team.

The event runs from 10.30am to around 12 noon.



For more information, please contact: Manager Communications and Engagement Tania Humberstone on 027 464 3785. 

First posted: 

Friday, 20 January 2023 - 9:32am