Russell George reappointed Kawerau District Council Chief Executive

Russell George reappointed Kawerau District Council Chief Executive 

Kawerau District Council has voted last Tuesday, 30 April 2021 to reappoint their Chief Executive, Russell George for a further two years, until October 2023.

They did this according to the requirements of the Local Government Act.

Council made this decision, recognising the work achieved to date and personal attributes of Mr George. They recognised local government is currently undergoing significant change and they considered it wise to maintain an experienced and respected manager at the helm, to navigate these changes for Kawerau District Council and the community for the next two years.

Council congratulated Chief Executive Russell George on his reappointment and look forward to working with him over the next two years.



First posted: 

Tuesday, 4 May 2021 - 10:23am