Media Release - Streets renamed by Council to recognise tīpuna

7 April 2022 

TWO Kawerau street names will be corrected next week to rightfully recognise the tīpuna they were named after.

Council wishes to advise that following discussion with the Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Kaumātua in 2020 about the street names for the district’s two new developments, the issue of existing street names was raised. 
There was agreement from Council and Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Kaumātua Te Haukakawa (Boycie) Te Rire that the two street names– Mawake Road and Te Ariki Place – would be corrected to reflect the tīpuna (ancestors) that they were named after. 
The existing street names will be amended to the following:
Te Ariki Place was named after Tūwharetoa’s grandmother Hine Te Ariki, so the name ‘Hine’ should be part of the road name to make this clear. The new name would be:  Hine Te Ariki  
Similarly, the full name of Mawake Road, named after Tūwharetoa’s father, should be Mawake Taupō Road.  
Council wishes to correct these names to rightfully reflect and honour Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau whakapapa and tīpuna.
As part of the process, residents of both streets were advised by a letter delivered to their homes pre-Christmas 2021 seeking feedback. As no feedback was received, a second letter was delivered by Council staff last week to advise that the renaming would proceed. 
The letter also advised residents that they would need to let their contacts know of the street names changing. 
Council has advised Toitū te Whenua (LINZ) and also New Zealand Post outlet in Kawerau.

Residents of both streets will be invited to attend the blessing. Representatives of Tuwharetoa mai Kawerau ki Te Tai as Tangata Whenua, Mayor and Councillors and Council staff would also attend. All Kawerau residents are welcome to attend the blessing.

Council will ensure that residents are reminded again to advise all of their contacts for mail and any other deliveries. 
The renaming ceremony and karakia would be carried out by Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Kaumātua Te Haukakawa (Boycie) Te Rire next Tuesday, 12 April at midday, firstly at Mawake Taupō Road and then at Hine Te Ariki Place. 
Nau mai haere mai - all welcome.


For more information, please contact Communications and Engagement Manager Tania Humberstone on 027 464 3785. 

First posted: 

Thursday, 7 April 2022 - 2:16pm