2019 Kawerau WoodFest Success

THE 2019 Kawerau WoodFest has been a huge success and there was a phenomenal turnout.

WoodFest director Amy Hayes estimated some 7,000 people attended the event that showcases the history of the Kawerau District which was formed to harness the abundance of resources from the Kaingaroa Forest.

“It really was a phenomenal turnout by competitors, locals, businesses, volunteers, performers and visitors and the weather pitched in for what has become one of our iconic events,” Ms Hayes said.

The 2019 event focussed more on entertainment and included a variety of bands and performers throughout the weekend including Kawerau’s very own up-and-coming singer Nikau Grace Chater with her band ‘Nikau and the Natives’.

As an iconic event, WoodFest attracts some of the world’s best and New Zealand representatives in the world of wood chopping, FMX motocross, BMX and pole climbing and loggers too.

Ms Hayes said among the crowd favourites were always the Pacific Toyota Big Dig World Champs and Diddy Dig.

“It is a rare that the Diddy Dig event has been won by a school outside of Kawerau with Thornton School taking the honours this year. But no-one seems able to beat the Hubbards Razorbacks in the Big Dig World Champs – who have back-to-back-to back titles plus.”

“But the FMX Pros motocross and BMX lifestyle and trial crews did enter a team into the Big Dig team World Champs for the first time. Their fitness and durability showed through but even these world-class athletes had to be content with second place.”

What also proved popular were the industrial site tours that were fully booked before the weekend started. The bus tours took 45 people at a time to visit Mercury Energy, Norske Skog, Oji Fibre Solutions, Sequal Lumber and the newly opened Waiu Dairy.

“We just couldn’t keep up with the demand of these tours,” Ms Hayes said, “Which just shows how keen people are to know about the original industries and the later additions, with Waiu Dairy having just opened this year it was great to have them included.”

Ms Hayes said having a more condensed layout with attractions, demonstrations and competitions run closer together enabled spectators to view multiple events more easily. “And returning the Generation Homes National Woodskills competition to the Kawerau Town Hall was another success.”

It meant people could wander through the Woodskills entries, pop out to the Kawerau community markets and still be right beside Prideaux Park for the wonderful displays.

Ms Hayes wanted to thank the many Kawerau locals and volunteers who offered their time throughout the weekend to support the 2019 Kawerau WoodFest.

“Our Kawerau businesses, organisations and volunteers are just so important and valued – we really cannot thank them enough.”


Loggers (men):

1 – Rorakawa Tiakiwai

2 – Scott Forrest

3 – Noel Galloway

4 – Jamie Lass


Loggers (women):

1 – Temara Peri-Playle


Pole Climb:

1 - Scott Forrest

2 – Reid McBeth

3 – Sam Smith

4 – Mike Mortensen


Diddy Dig (school event):

1 – Thornton School Thunder (2min 45sec)

2 – Putauaki School Wildcats (2min 50sec)

3 – South School Wanderers (3min 15sec)

4 - Putauaki School Dominators (3min 17sec)


Big Dig – World Champs:

1 – Hubbards Razorbacks

2 – FMX / BMX Crew

3 – Thornton Dads


Big Dig – Social Champs:

1 – Kawerau Fire

2 – Uniqe Gymz

3 – Puke Pine


Truck Pull:

1 – K-Fit

2 – Kawerau Fire

3 – Uniqe Gymz



For more information please contact:


Tania Humberstone, Kawerau District Council Communications Manager

Mobile 0274643785


First posted: 

Thursday, 3 October 2019 - 10:41am